Thinker | Teacher | Thought Coach

Better decisions, better relationships, and a better life.


to my space.

A place that is all about you… a place to talk, sort, laugh, plan, unpack stuff, and heal. We’ll do it together - it’s easier that way.

Our sessions are interesting, insightful and fun... highlight of my week!

She's not really like a counsellor person. Sometimes we laugh so much I even forget I'm in "therapy"!

Work was killing me. I was coming home each night stressed and wound up. My partner suggested Supervision. I'd never heard of it, but they do it at their work. I didn't see how it could help, but I was at the end of my tether, so I made some enquiries and found Lesley. My monthly sessions with her changed everything...

We have the best conversations. They truely are life changing. 

It took me six months, but I finally made "the" call. We arranged to meet for a coffee, and when I met her a sense of calm washed over me. I knew I'd made the right decision.

"For years I felt like there must be something wrong with me.  It didn't show on the outside, to others my life looked pretty good. I told myself I was fine, and believed it - until one day I wasn't. It was a friend who told me about Lesley..."

Personal Development

Professional Development

The Book

Effective Intelligence™